Launch Pads (Value Apps)
Launch Pads is a package of Value Components configurations on top of OOTB core 3DEXPERIENCE platform business processes for 3DSPACE & 3DDASHBOARD.
It is a set of reusable modules that can be used as templates for fast implementations, closing platform gaps and speed up sales cycle by selling solutions & instant value.
Market Goals
Launch Pads are not supported products and should be seen and used as templates.
Launch Pads are not sold and will be available alongside the Value Component products free of charge.
Work together - Build a community of contributors to Value Apps and reuse best possible solution
Key Benefits
3DDashboard & 3DSpace apps - Configurable ready made applications for both 3DSpace & 3DDashboard to support legacy data & fill platform gaps
Customer Projects - Templates for quick and low risk implementations. Spend more time on real use-cases and less on replication of OOTB
Sales - Sell solutions & instant value, raise value of the Value components.
VAR's - Need of good looking examples working with standard 3DEXPERIENCE to be able to sell TECHNIA Process Software (Classic/Helium)
Training - Have up-to-date configurations for easier trainings delivery. Contains also new features of TVC/Helium
What if we would work together and contribute to the one solution? We would get more value from it.
Feel free to share any configurations, gaps or recommend feature for LaunchPads which should help others.
Projects & implementation teams
Demo environment development
Customers & VARs
XML & source code from bitbucket, no installer or binaries will be distributed.
What’s new?
LaunchPads are not version controlled (always version 1.0), but configured for latest Value Components and specific 3DEXPERIENCE release.
Modules - Introduction
Here you can find list of plug and play business apps/modules for 3DSPACE & 3DDASHBOARD for specific domain.
All modules are configured TVCs, build on top of OOTB 3DEXPERIENCE and can be extended with customer specific logic.
Collaborative Innovation
Standalone application - Right choice for users not suitable for full PLM platform
Homepage Dashboards - Fast navigation to owned objects & processes for Classic & Helium
Search Experience - Option to have configurable search and option to open data using different search provider (Exalead, ENOVIA)
Tasks Management - See all collaborative tasks to a context
Bookmark Folders - Full visibility of content of project or workspace bookmark folders
Documents Management - Full end to end document management solution
Design & Engineering
UPS Navigator - Displays Physical Product structure , includes all object details, provides access to related objects like Changes, All Documents, All Drawings, Workflows with actions like Create, Insert, Reserve, Detach
Product Structure – Manage Unified Product Structure with related information for 3DSpace, 3DDashboard or standalone app
My UPS Products - Fast access to owned root Physical Products (UPS)
Engineering Bill of Material (EBOM) - Effective working with Parts & EBOM definition at 3DDashboard & 3DSPace
3DPlay - Integrated 3DPlay viewer at Classic & Helium modules
Governance & Project Management
Change processes - Allows users to work and manage with Change processes in 3DDashboard & 3DSpace
Change Request
Change Order
Change Action
Collaboration Workflow for Change Order - Simplify complex process using configured workflow
Program Dashboard - Allows program managers to navigate and inspect key performance indicators of projects grouped by programs
Project Schedule - Usability and performance improvements for the schedule (WBS) functionality for 3DSpace & 3DDashboard application
Project Bookmark Folders - Consolidated view of project content
Product & Portfolio Planning
Requirements Management - Allows to work with requirements that define products
Configuration Models Management - Allows users to work with enterprise Models & Configurations
Each launchpad module (Classic, Helium) has as prerequisite that appropriate TECHNIA product (TVC) is installed. Please note that latest build of Launch Pads are meant to be used with latest builds of appropriate TECHNIA product.
Launch Pads Deployment
Download war file from or from provided link
LaunchPads war file (jar included) contains all configurations for Classic & Helium modules
Unpack war file and copy its contents to appropriate sub-folders in deployed webapps.
Example of file locations:
launch-pads-1.0.war\webapps\tvc\widget\launchpads\* → d:\apps\3dexp\R2020x\3dspace\win_b64\code\tomee\webapps\3dspace\webapps\tvc\widget\launchpads\
launch-pads-1.0.war\WEB-INF\tvc\helium\launchpad → d:\apps\3dexp\R2020x\3dspace\win_b64\code\tomee\webapps\3dspace\WEB-INF\tvc\helium\
launch-pads-1.0.war\WEB-INF\classes\* → d:\apps\3dexp\R2020x\3dspace\win_b64\code\tomee\webapps\3dspace\WEB-INF\classes\
launch-pads-1.0.war\helium\custom → d:\apps\3dexp\R2020x\3dspace\win_b64\code\tomee\webapps\3dspace\helium\
launch-pads-1.0.war\WEB-INF\lib → d:\apps\3dexp\R2020x\3dspace\win_b64\code\tomee\webapps\3dspace\WEB-INF\lib
Remove sample file suffixes
War file contains in folder \WEB-INF\classes sample files (extension .sample).
If any of these files already exist in deployed folder webapps\WEB-INF\classes please merge its content with the content of the existing file
For those files which don’t exist in deployed folder webapps\WEB-INF\classes, just rename the sample file (e.g. TVCWorkflowConfig.xml.sample → TVCWorkflowConfig.xml)
Add UI commands to 3DSpace app
All configuration can be added by installation script file
InstallSchema.tcl - install all commands to your schema
UninstallSchema.tcl - uninstall all commands from your schema
Automatically using gradle tasks:
Manually by adding selected command to schema using MQL. Commands are listed in every LaunchPad module.
add command "LP-TVCHomepage" label "TVC Homepage (LP)" href "${ROOT_DIR}/tvc-action/menuBasedTabPage/foo.jsp?menu=tvc:menu:launchpad:common/TVCTabs.xml" setting "Target Location" "content"; modify menu 'My Enovia' add command "LP-TVCHomepage"; mod command LP-TVC-Homepage add setting "Registered Suite" Components;
Script files
Add UI commands - widgets to your 3DDashboard
There are three options how to define LaunchPads widget to your 3DDashboard application.
Create TVC generic widget for Classic & Helium modules
Create new specific widgets and select right configuration for it
Import all configurations from TVC LaunchPad all in one package by custom import tool
1. Create TVC generic widget for Classic & Helium modules
Login to 3DEXPERIENCE as administrator (Collaboration Space: Default, Role: Administrator)
Go to 3DDashboard: Platform Management | tab: Members
Scroll down to Additional Apps section
Create Additional App - create new app
Provide details: Short Name = e.g. Value Components, Long Name, Compass Quadrant
Type = Widget
Source code URL: https://<serverpath>/3dspace/webapps/tvc/tvcWidget.html
Configuration file URL: keep blank
Select Available for all members
Create new 3DDashboard or New Tab in your existing 3DDashboard
Open 3DCompass and pick Value Components widget to your 3DDashboard
Select widget type
TVC Dashboard
Discussion & Workflow
Helium Chart, Page, Table
Table Flat or Structured
Choose XML configuration for requested module. Exact xml configuration name is defined in every LP module.
Save & Share with others (if needed)
2. Create new specific widgets and select right configuration for it
Login to 3DEXPERIENCE as administrator (Collaboration Space: Default, Role: Administrator)
Go to 3DDashboard: Platform Management | tab: Members
Scroll down to Additional Apps section
Create Additional App - create new app
Provide details: Short Name, Long Name, Compass selection
Type = Widget
Source code URL: https://<serverpath>/3dspace/webapps/tvc/tvcWidget.html
Configuration file URL: select based on configuration json
JSON Configuration files
App | TVC | Path to JSON configuration |
3DPLAY | Classic | https://<serverpath>/3dspace/webapps/tvc/widget/ups/18x/3dplay.json |
Collaboration | Classic | https://<serverpath>/3dspace/webapps/tvc/widget/collaboration.json |
My Documents | Classic | https://<serverpath>/3dspace/webapps/tvc/widget/launchpads/myDocuments.json |
Document Details | Helium | https://<serverpath>/3dspace/webapps/tvc/widget/launchpads/documentDetails.json |
My Projects | Classic | https://<serverpath>/3dspace/webapps/tvc/widget/launchpads/myProjects.json |
Schedule Details | Classic | https://<serverpath>/3dspace/webapps/tvc/widget/launchpads/projectSchedule.json |
My Changes | Classic | https://<serverpath>/3dspace/webapps/tvc/widget/launchpads/changeDashboard.json |
Product Details | Classic | https://<serverpath>/3dspace/webapps/tvc/widget/launchpads/productDetails.json |
My Root Products | Classic | https://<serverpath>/3dspace/webapps/tvc/widget/launchpads/myProducts.json |
Products Tasks | Classic | https://<serverpath>/3dspace/webapps/tvc/widget/launchpads/tasksAssignment.json |
EBOM | Classic | https://<serverpath>/3dspace/webapps/tvc/widget/launchpads/ebomDashboard.json |
Homepage (Helium) | Helium | https://<serverpath>/3dspace/webapps/tvc/widget/launchpads/heliumHomepage.json |
Product Structure (Helium) | Helium | https://<serverpath>/3dspace/webapps/tvc/widget/launchpads/heliumUpsDashboard.json |
| ||
Value Components | Classic | no json (configuration is selected by user at widget itself) |
UPS (Classic) | Classic | https://<serverpath>/3dspace/webapps/tvc/widget/ups/18x/classic.json |
UPS (Helium) | Helium | https://<serverpath>/3dspace/webapps/tvc/widget/ups/18x/helium.json |
3. Import all TVC widgets & 3DDashboard configurations by import dashboard tool
Download application for importing 3DD importDashboardAndWidgets-win.exe
Download TVC LaunchPads configurations files LaunchPads 3DDashboard package
Unzip file, following files are available
widgetsList.json - Definition of widgets
dashboard.json - 3DDashboard configurations
Run application at client computer. Fill necessary parameters to import 3DDashboard configuration
Connect to your 3DEXPERIENCE environment and check available 3DDashboard lists. You can share dashboard configuration to other platform members.
importDashboardAndWidgets -u https://<serverpath> -l admin_platform -p admin_platform -w TVCLaunchPad_widgetsList.json -d TVCLaunchPad_dashboard.json
importDashboardAndWidgets -u https://<serverpath> -l admin_platform -p admin_platform -w TVCLaunchPad_widgetsList.json -d TVCLaunchPad_dashboard.json --passportUrl https://<3DPassportserverpath> --xdpassport 3dpassAppName --dashboardUrl https://<3DDashboardserverpath> --xddashboard 3ddashAppName
Apps in details
Here you can find list of plug and play business apps/modules for 3DSPACE & 3DDASHBOARD for specific domain.
All modules are configured TVCs, build on top of OOTB 3DEXPERIENCE and can be extended with customer specific logic.
Collaborative Innovation
Standalone Application for 3DSpace & 3DDashboard
Streamlined standalone application fully configured for a specific use case for user groups not suitable for the full platform. Application can be used on mobile and other devices thanks to responsive UI. Users can get fast access to owned and recent objects & processes like Projects, Tasks, Parts, Physical Products, Documents, Changes, Requirements, ..
When used at 3DDashboard user can work and navigate for all objects inside one widget without switching to different widgets.
Entry point
3DDashboard Homepage:
"path": "/goto/p/helium/launchpad/home/HeliumHome"
3DSpace Homepage:
"path": "/goto/p/helium/launchpad/home/HeliumHome"
Entry page can be changed to a Helium page by updating OOTB property.
emxNavigator.Home.ContentPage = emxNavigatorDefaultContentPage.jsp
Easy navigation to owned objects, processes & related data
Charts & Drill-down navigation to data
Recent objects
Search - NSX (ENOVIA, Exalead or other provides)
Search included in 3DDashboard view
Themes definition
My Profile
Standalone application dashboard with Recent Objects (Helium)
NSX Search using Exalead data provider (Helium)
All in one widget at 3DDashboard (Helium)
All in one 3DDashboard widget with integrated NSX Search - overlay (Helium)
Homepage (Classic)
Fast access to frequently used objects at 3DEXPERIENCE Platform for both 3DSpace & 3DDashboard applications. The list of objects shown is configured based on user access & business processes.
Entry point
add command "TVC Homepage" label "TVC Homepage (LP)" href "${ROOT_DIR}/tvc-action/menuBasedTabPage/foo.jsp?menu=tvc:menu:launchpad:common/TVCTabs.xml" setting "Target Location" "content";
modify menu 'My Enovia' add command "TVC Homepage";
Search table - for searching all type of data using NSX
Parts - dashboard showing charts and table with owned parts & related information
UPS - dashboard showing charts and table with owned Physical Products & related information
Change - dashboard showing charts and table with owned and assigned Change Orders, Change Requests & Change Actions
Programs - dashboard showing charts and table with programs & related project
Projects - dashboard showing charts and table with projects & related information
Documents - dashboard showing charts and table with owned documents
Bookmark Workspace - dashboard showing charts and table with bookmark folders and it’s content
Requirements - dashboard showing charts and table with owned requirements specification and requirements
Model Versions - dashboard with model versions and their configurations
My data dashboard at 3DDashboard
New Search Experience from toolbar 3DSpace & 3DDashboard (Classic)
My Bookmark Folders Dashboard (Classic)
My Change Actions Dashboard (Classic)
My Changes Dashboard (Classic)
My Programs (Classic)
My Documents (Classic)
My Models (Classic)
My UPS Dashboard (Classic)
My Tasks view at TVC Homepage
My Documents Dashboard (Classic)
Tasks Management
At TVC allows user to see all collaborative tasks created for dropped or reference object at 3DDashboard. At Helium module users can see and work with collaborative tasks.
Entry point
Task Assignment for 3DDashboard - Classic:
"path": "/tvc-action/gridLoad", "parameters": "configuration=tvc:gridbrowserconfig:launchpad:task/TaskAssignment.xml",
My Tasks - Helium:
Task Details - Helium:
See all collaborative tasks created for dropped or reference object of following types:
Requirement Specification
Product Structure
Allow leaders to set assignees and see status of tasks created to
deliver an object
contributes to - in context of the object
Ability to set assignee and update information about tasks
Helium widget provides all details of task ( basic, attachments, deliverable, context , assignees, lifecycle, history)
Task Details - Complementary to OOTB (Helium)
Tasks - Working with attachment & details (Helium)
Tasks Assignment view for subscribed object (Classic)
Working with Tasks assignee & review all tasks created for Physical Product (Classic)
My Tasks & Tasks details at 3DDashboard (Helium)
Bookmark Folders
Allows user to work with workspace or project bookmarks and navigate to its content.
Entry point
3DDashboard - Classic
3DDashboard - Helium
3DSpace Project Space: add to context Project - Classic
add command "LP-ProjectFolders" label "Folders (Launch Pad)" href "${ROOT_DIR}/tvc-action/dashboard/foo.jsp?config=tvc:dashboard:launchpad:folder/FolderDashboard.xml" setting "Target Location" "content";
modify menu type_ProjectSpace add command "LP-ProjectFolders";
3DSpace Workspace: add to My ENOVIA menu - Classic
add command "LP-BookmarkFolders" label "Folders (Launch Pad)" href "${ROOT_DIR}/tvc-action/dashboard/foo.jsp?config=tvc:dashboard:launchpad:workspace/AllWorkspaces.xml" setting "Target Location" "content";
modify menu "My Enovia" add command "LP-BookmarkFolders";
Folder navigation
Drag drop add
Drag drop move
Actions menu
Baseline folders
Charts with drill-downs
Overview full Workspaces in 3DDashboard application
Project Bookmark Folders (Classic)
Workspace Bookmark Folders (Classic)
Workspace Bookmark content at 3DDashboard (Helium)
Documents Management
User can work with documents in many apps. Improved usability and efficiency you can raise by configuring TVC File Manager at system level. User can use dashboard view for easier navigation to all owned documents. Document details can be viewed and modified in 3DDashboard Helium page.
Entry point
Documents Dashboard - Classic
3DDashboard Document detail - Helium
3DDashboard My Documents - Helium
3DSpace Document Dashboard: Add to My ENOVIA menu - Classic
add command "LP-DocumentDashboard" label "Documents (Launch Pad)" href "${ROOT_DIR}/tvc-action/dashboard/foo.jsp?config=tvc:dashboard:launchpad:document/DocumentsDashboard.xml" setting "Target Location" "content";
modify menu "My Enovia" add command "LP-DocumentDashboard";
Possibility to use File Manager at 3DSpace & 3DDashboard
End to end process
Table and view consolidations
Ability to see document details in dedicated 3DDashboard view
Charts with drill-downs
Workflow for document processing
Working with documents at 3DDashboard
Document dashboard with consolidated table view (Classic)
Document details view (Helium)
Design & Engineering
UPS Navigator
Recreates OOTB functionality using Helium to have ability extend with needed features (export, generate PDFs, post process, mass update or implement a custom logic on top of OOTB data). Combination of features normally accessible through many widgets displays Physical Product structure including all details and provides access to related objects like Changes, All Documents, All Drawings, Workflows, Tasks and My Physical Products Dashboard in a familiar way.
Implements OOTB Web Services for actions - Create, Insert, Reserve, Detach and commands for Change Management.
DS licenses
IFW - View product structure
CSV - Edit/create Physical Product, 3DPart, CA, CR
Entry point
My Physical Products Dashboard -
UPS Navigator Dashboard -
Product Structure
Allows users to work and manage Unified Product Structure with related information for 3DSpace & 3DDashboard app. With this app users can navigate and explore Physical Product structure, preview in 3DPlay and navigate to related objects such as documents, tasks or change processes.
DS licenses
IFW - View product structure
CSV - Edit/create Physical Product, 3DPart, CA, CR
PAU, CHG, .. - for working with other items, functions
Entry point
My Products Home Dashboard - Classic
UPS Product Overview Dashboard - Classic
UPS Product Overview Dashboard - Helium
3DSpace My UPS Product Dashboard: Add to My ENOVIA menu - Classic
add command "LP-UPSHome" label "UPS (Launch Pad)" href "${ROOT_DIR}/tvc-action/dashboard/foo.jsp?config=tvc:dashboard:launchpad:ups/HomePageUPSDashboard.xml" setting "Target Location" "content";
modify menu "My Enovia" add command "LP-UPSHome";
3DSpace UPS Context Dashboard: Add to Physical Product menu
add command "LP-UPS" label "UPS (Launch Pad)" href "${ROOT_DIR}/tvc-action/dashboard/foo.jsp?config=tvc:dashboard:launchpad:ups/UPSDashboard.xml" setting "Target Location" "content";
modify menu type_VPMReference add command "LP-UPS";
3DSpace UPS Context Dashboard - Navigate: Add to Physical Product menu
add command "LP-UPS-Navigate" label "UPS Navigate (LP)" href "${ROOT_DIR}/tvc-action/menuBasedTabPage/foo.jsp?menu=tvc:menu:launchpad:ups/tab/NavigateUPS.xml" setting "Target Location" "content";
modify menu type_VPMReference add command "LP-UPS-Navigate";
Explore Product Structure
Physical Product, 3D Shape, 3D Drawing, ..
Charts with drill-downs for structure overview
Table consolidation (stay in one view)
Integrated 3DPlay
Side panels with related object information
Ability to open OOTB widgets and apps directly from views
Related Tasks
Using Deliverables & Contribute links
Related Changes
Show Change Actions and related Change Request & Change Order
Integrated Collaboration panel
Related Documents
Show attached Specification documents & Reference documents
Ability to see details & download files
Engineering Details
Preview connected Part (EBOM) or information about Engineering Items
Set Part Number
See Material & Volume
Part details & synchronize with EBOM (EBOM Sync)
Connected Issues
Tab to work with issues related to context object
More information about revisions, branches, duplicates
See history, details & images attached to product
Workflow configuration for Change Controlled & Not Change Controlled data
My Products Home Dashboard - Show owned root products & details (Classic)
Product overview Dashboard - Show structure of selected product & details (Classic)
Product overview - Show related items like revisions, branches and duplicates (Classic)
Dashboard with Related Changes & Documents (Classic)
Product Overview Dashboard - Show structure of selected product & related objects for complete structure (Helium)
Product Overview Dashboard - Show structure & related object details at side panel (Helium)
Product Overview Dashboard - Inspect product using Charts with drill down options (Helium)
Filtering data using 6W Tags(Classic)
Working with UPS data - standalone app or 3DD widget (Helium)
Workflow on Physical Product with Change Action - Change Controlled data
Workflow on Physical Product without Change Action - Design work
Engineering BOM
Allows users to work and manage Engineering Bill of Material (EBOM) at 3DSpace & 3DDashboard applications. User can create and work with Parts & EBOM definition together with UPS definition. We recommend to push as much as possible solution to Model Based, UPS approach.
Entry point
My Parts Dashboard - Classic
My Parts Dashboard - Helium
Engineering BOM Dashboard - Classic
3DSpace Context menu: Add to type_Part menu - Classic
add command "LP-EBOM" label "EBOM (Launch Pad)" href "${ROOT_DIR}/tvc-action/dashboard/foo.jsp?config=tvc:dashboard:launchpad:ebom/EBOMDashboard.xml" setting "Target Location" "content";
modify menu type_Part add command "LP-EBOM";
3DSpace Context menu: Add to type_Part menu - Helium
add command "LP-EBOM HE" label "EBOM (LP-HE)" href "${ROOT_DIR}/goto/foo.jsp?embed=true"
modify menu type_Part add command "LP-EBOM HE"
3DSpace My Parts Dashboard - Classic
add command "LP-MyPartsHome" label "My Parts (Launch Pad)" href "${ROOT_DIR}/tvc-action/dashboard/foo.jsp?config=tvc:dashboard:launchpad:ebom/MyParts.xml" setting "Target Location" "content";
modify menu "My Enovia" add command "LP-MyPartsHome";
Explore Engineering BOM & Related objects
Parts, Specifications, References, Change Order, Change Actions,
Charts with drill-down
Table consolidation (stay in one view)
Integrated 3DPlay
Create Part (Helium based form)
Add Existing Part using NSX
Add Existing Part using sidepanel
Build EBOM by Typing
Build EBOM
Inline Compare based on revisions and derived items
Create Change Order, Change Action, Change Request
Add to existing Change Order, Change Action, Change Request
My Engineering BOMs Dashboard (Classic)
My Parts View (Helium)
Part Details View (Helium)
Part Details View (Classic)
Engineering BOM Dashboard at 3DDasboard (Classic)
Governance & Project Management
Change Management
Allows users to work and manage Change processes at 3DSpace & 3DDashboard. With attached Collaboration workflow widgets user can have overview and go easily through complex process like Change Order, Change Request or Change Action.
Entry point
My Changes Dashboard - Helium
My Changes Dashboard - Classic
My Change Action Dashboard - Classic
Change Order details - Helium
Change Action details - Helium
3DSpace Change Dashboard: Add to My ENOVIA menu - Classic
add command "LP-ChangesDashboard" label "Changess (Launch Pad)" href "${ROOT_DIR}/tvc-action/dashboard/foo.jsp?config=tvc:dashboard:launchpad:changeprocess/ChangeDashboard.xml" setting "Target Location" "content";
modify menu "My Enovia" add command "LP-ChangesDashboard";
Overview Changes
Change Order
Change Request
Change Action
Drill down using charts to find needed information
Update details & responsible reviewers & informed members
Process CO, CR, CA using workflow (separated widget is needed)
Workflow for OOTB Change Order Fast Track process
No customization required (triggers states etc)
Dashboard with consolidated table for Change Orders & Change Requests (Classic)
Change Action Dashboard (Classic)
Change Order details (Helium)
Collaboration Workflow for Change Order
Configured collaboration workflow for OOTB Change Order Fast Track process. It targets simplification of complex change process & reduce clicking & time for user trainings.
Entry point
Collaboration workflow - standalone for 3DDashboard
"path": "/tvc/collaboration/tvcCollaborationPanelContent.jsp" "subscriptions":"change-dashboard"
Workflow supporting OOTB CO Fast Track process
No UI customization required
No process customization required (triggers states etc)
All related objects connected and workflow available from these objects
Full automation with dynamic flow dependent on CO & COs assignees, reviewers, approvers and followers
The end result is just 100% OOTB and flow is just a help on top
Normal approvers, reviewers, followers are used
Routes and task are created and automatically approved in the background
Workflow inbox with list of all processes & discussions
Side pane with workflow process for Change Order (Classic)
Change Order Dashboard and associated Collaboration widget
Program Dashboard
Program dashboards allows program managers to see key performance indicators of projects based on programs in real time. With drill down search it is easy to navigate to specific project and get the project details in related widget or view.
Entry point
3DDashboard Program Dashboard - Classic:
3DDashboard Program Dashboard - Helium:
3DSpace Program Dashboard: Add to My ENOVIA menu - Classic
add command "LP-ProgramDashboard" label "Programs (Launch Pad)" href "${ROOT_DIR}/tvc-action/dashboard/foo.jsp?config=tvc:dashboard:launchpad:project/ProgramDashboard.xml" setting "Target Location" "content";
modify menu "My Enovia" add command "LP-ProgramDashboard";
Projects & Programs navigation
Charts with project KPIs & content details
Drill down navigation
Program/Projects overview in 3DDashboard (Classic)
Project Schedule
Allows user to work with project schedule (WBS) functionality at 3DSpace & 3DDashboard. Improved styling, formatting, performance and stability.
Entry point
3DDashboard - Classic
3DDashboard - Helium
3DSpace My Schedule: Add to Project Space context menu - Classic
add command "LP-Schedule" label "Schedule (Launch Pad)" href "${ROOT_DIR}/tvc-action/dashboard/foo.jsp?config=tvc:dashboard:launchpad:schedule/ScheduleDashboard.xml" setting "Target Location" "content";
modify menu type_ProjectSpace add command "LP-Schedule";
Grid management
Baseline schedule
Table consolidation (stay in one view)
Charts with drill-downs
Project Schedule dashboard with consolidated table view (Classic)
Assignment & allocation grid view (Classic)
Dependency management grid view (Classic)
Consolidated Schedule (WBS) view (Helium)
Product & Portfolio Management
Requirements Management
The Requirements apps allows users to navigate and work with the structure of requirement specifications. Users can work on requirement, edit and classify based on list of OOTB attributes. Drill down charts are available for easier navigation to details of each requirement.
Entry point
3DDashboard My Requirement Specifications - Classic
3DDashboard My Requirement Specifications - Helium
3DSpace My Requirement Specifications - Classic
add command "LP-ReqSpec" label "Requirements Spec (Launch Pad)" href "${ROOT_DIR}/tvc-action/dashboard/foo.jsp?config=tvc:dashboard:launchpad:requirementmanagement/MyRequirementSpecificationsDashboard.xml" setting "Target Location" "content";
modify menu "My Enovia" add command "LP-ReqSpec";
Requirements & Requirement Specification navigations
Charts with project KPIs & content details
Drill down navigation
Edit for attributes & content of requirements
My Requirements Specifications dashboard (Classic)
Requirement details modification - side panel with Rich text editor (Classic)
My Requirements at 3DDashboard with drill down to a requirement (Classic)
My Requirements structure at 3DDashboard (Helium)
Configurations Management
The Configuration Management allows users to define plan and develop product structure portfolio. Users are able to define product variants & options dictionary, define configuration rules and product configurations. Variant dictionary and product configurations can be used to filter UPS product structure (experiment mode). LP views has some places where project team can extend OOTB solution with customer specific requirements.
Entry point
3DDashboard My Models - Classic
3DDashboard My Models - Helium
List of all enterprise variants & options together with values
Structure of Product configurations together with Product/Model Version
See details of Product configurations in side panel (view only)
See details of matrix & expression rules
Ability to extend Model Version with customer specific needs
My Models Dashboard (Classic)
My Models Dashboard with enterprise variability and options (HELIUM)
Model detail with product configurations - view only (HELIUM)
Model detail with list of rules and rule detail in side panel (HELIUM)
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