(DRAFT) Best Practice Authoring - Light My Way
While developing LMW Guides, there are more common problems occurring in many guides. This page covers how we prepared LMW Guide to overcome these problems.
Use Context (App states) as much as you can
Making too many callouts under the same context (app state) causes all to be evaluated at the same time and results in poor performance.
Ad hoc select context (Conditional elements) are not pre filtering out callouts for evaluation the same way that app states do and affects performance. Should be used as fallback only when app states is not enough and in combination with as many app stats as possible.
App states are good for performance, use it as much as possible.
Report missing app states (improvement request or direct to R&D) when missing and the product will improve quickly.
Don't guide users anywhere from everywhere
Guiding users to all places from anywhere bloats all screens with callouts, makes all guides available at all time (makes available now useless) and also affects performance in a bad way.
Instead consider the guide descriptions as documentation to what context the user could expect the guide in and how to get there.
Donβt repeat yourself
Make reusable chapters rather than recording the same guide over and over. This will help you building higher quality guides and lower maintenance over time. Also better for performance.
E.g. Search is part of many different processes. Instead of having multiple specialized half done search recordings part of each process, record one reusable rich chapter for the search. (currently user would have to enable that separately but we plan a guide dependency/chapter feature that automatically enable dependent chapters)
Always use Show inside of function when creating guides in 3DDashboard. NOTE: Show inside of function is shown only when there are at least 2 applications at the dashboard. Always add some other application when creating guide so this function is shown and can be used.
Using XPATH elements
What to avoid when using Xpath elements:
XPATH is a fallback technology and should be used when no green supported targets exist. Should be avoided if possible and you should know what you are doing.
Always check Xpath which you selected and make sure there is no too specific ID in path because guide may not work on other or newly created elements/apps.
Make sure Xpath is specific enough or callout may be shown multiple times/on first matching element.
Report missing common targets and we will make supported green targets
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