Biovia Direct not working as expected/previously

Description: In upgrade of Biovia Notebook v 21 including Biovia Direct does the search function work as expected (not at all).
No error message is given in the GUI. However the logfile list an error in the communication between application and Oracle.

Solution: Requesting to check the application server's <Notebook-installation>/BIOVIA/BIOVIA Notebook Software/ElnService/web.config file

<add key="StoreMolecules" value="true"/>
Specify the type chemical Oracle cartridge to use

Possible values are
Accelrys = 1
Chemaxon = 2
BIOVIA Direct = 3
None = -1
<add key="ChemicalCartridgeType" value="3"/>

If this config is not present in <appsettings></appsettings> tags get them to add it and remove it from RIA/web.config.