Update Log
Sandra Eliasson
Sebastian Widin
Anders Axelsson
David Schlott
Theme / Focus
Continue to increase usage by broadening the scope of what Light My Way can be used for
Finalize Usage & platform insight
2025.1 in Numbers
| Domain | #Stories | Story Points |
| Domain | #Stories | Story Points |
| Author | 26 | 31 |
| Admin | 16 | 23 |
| Consumer | 10 | 10 |
| Distribution & Cloud | 5 | 4 |
| 3DEXPERIENCE/TVC/Helium | 6 | 6 |
| Performance | 1 | 2 |
Platform insight - Admins can now toggle on and off logging for all configs
UI improvements
Server mappings will be deprecated
Instead of server mappings customers are advised to use registry settings to auto-connect new installations to the correct account and repository - Client Installation.
UI improvements
Quality improvements & bug fixes
Improved app support for 3DDashboard & 3DSpace Support Maturity Overview
UI improvements
Quality improvements
Distribution & Cloud
Delivery precision - Client is now hosted on lmw.TECHNIA.cloud with no dependencies to Chrome or MS Store lead time (for the time being Client will stay available from Chrome & MS Store).
Improved context evaluation process
Theme / Focus
Increase usage by broadening the scope of what Light My Way can be used for
Usage & platform insight
2024.5 in Numbers
| Domain | #Stories | Story Points |
| Domain | #Stories | Story Points |
| Admin | 18 | 34 |
| Author | 17 | 25 |
| 3DEXPERIENCE/TVC/Helium | 4 | 14 |
| Consumer | 7 | 8 |
| Security | 4 | 4 |
| User Privacy | 3 | 3 |
| Performance | 1 | 3 |
| Distribution & Cloud | 2 | 2 |
Usage insight - Understand how users use Light My Way
Platform insight - Understand how users use 3DEXPERIENCE (e.g. popular apps)
Subscription insight - Licenses use (%) and trend
Improved popup context functionality
Custom select contexts for Tours and Links
More Highlight types
Control font sizes
Embed images
Embed video
Quality improvements
Improved app support for 3DDashboard & 3DSpace Support Maturity Overview
Quality improvements
Vulnerability scan reported on a few new minor issues affecting the development setup only. All resolved and back to ZERO vulnerabilities.
Privacy policy has been updated to cover subscription, usage and platform insight
Improved context evaluation process
Technical improvements
Distribution & Cloud
Delivery precision - preparing for client hosted on lmw.TECHNIA.cloud with no dependencies to Chrome or MS Store lead time.
Theme / Focus
Increase usage by broadening the scope of what Light My Way can be used for
Performance and consumer improvements
2024.4 in Numbers
| Domain | #Stories | Story Points |
| Domain | #Stories | Story Points |
| Author | 25 | 46 |
| Consumer | 16 | 17 |
| 3DEXPERIENCE/TVC/Helium | 6 | 10 |
| Technical | 3 | 9 |
| Distribution & Cloud | 4 | 8 |
| Performance | 2 | 8 |
| Security | 1 | 5 |
| Admin | 2 | 4 |
Distribution & Cloud
Release server testing improvements
Improved app support for 3DDashboard & 3DSpace Support Maturity Overview
Blocks - Reuse common instructions over multiple guides
Tours - Intro walkthrough of UI by clicking next
Recommendations - Just in time, encourage users to use high value content
Parent offset - Placement of callouts tied to elements higher up the hierarchy
Callout size - Make the perfect size by pulling the corner
Improved Author UI - Sort, filter, clean up etc
Author notes / flags - E.g. Indicate and comment on certain recording content for later fixing
Bug fixes
First time intro tour to LMW
Minimize callouts when near
Bug fixes
Consumer preferences, admins can control defaults (on/off)
Configuration structures - E.g. 3DSPACE targets or contexts are not looked for in 3DDASHBOARD giving a great boost (up to 50% reduced evaluation time) to performance and scoping (enables scalable growth)
Technical improvements
0 vulnerabilities
Upgraded Node version to latest LTS
Theme / Focus
Increase usage by broadening the scope of what Light My Way can be used for
Measure usage with Usage Insight and Platform Insight
2024.3 in Numbers
| Domain | #Stories | Story Points |
| Domain | #Stories | Story Points |
| 3DEXPERIENCE/TVC/Helium | 5 | 10 |
| Distribution & Cloud | 6 | 9 |
| Consumer | 11 | 16 |
| Admin | 10 | 14 |
| Author | 22 | 30 |
| Performance | 5 | 12 |
| Security | 5 | 5 |
| Technical | 1 | 5 |
Distribution & Cloud
Extension installation improvements
Hosting extension from TECHNIA Cloud
Improved app support for 3DDashboard Support Maturity Overview
Documentation guide type
Input validation / rules / data quality
Default active & always active guides
Highlight callout type
Bug fixes
Persistent dismissal of instructions
Improved search feature
Bug fixes
Improved Usage Insight
Platform Insight (based on context, no instructions needed - only an active LMW extension)
Optional “User feedback”-button in extension
Improved cache implementation
Technical improvements
Sanitize all user added html
Upgraded Node version
Theme / Focus
3DEXPERIENCE app coverage
2024.2 in Numbers
| Domain | #Stories | Story Points |
| Domain | #Stories | Story Points |
| 3DEXPERIENCE/TVC/Helium | 12 | 33 |
| Distribution & Cloud | 8 | 15 |
| Consumer | 10 | 13 |
| Admin | 10 | 11 |
| Author | 16 | 9 |
| Performance | 5 | 11 |
| Security | 2 | 4 |
Author extension retired
Moved to toggle feature in consumer extension (simplify installation and usage) Light My Way - Product Documentation | Enabling Author
Distribution & Cloud
On-prem hybrid concept using extension self hosting and guide export Hybrid on-premises
(Internal) Delivery precision using terraform
(Internal) Health check improvements and self healing
(Internal) Scaling refinements for robustness and self healing
Improved app support for 3DDashboard Support Maturity Overview
3DSpace improvements
Chapter polish
Multi tab synch
Stability improvements
User selection persistence
Usage Insight (log and visualize guide use, TECHNIA report required but will improve make available to customers directly)
Soft delete to avoid removal of definitions used in guides (caused problems for users)
Prevent multi click execution and feedback
Server cache distribution (improved authoring performance)
Prevent parallel processing when invalid cache
Avoid parallel requests for multi tabs
Large table evaluation (improved authoring specifically)
AccessToken was evaluated for open repos causing denied access
Theme / Focus
3DEXPERIENCE, TVC and Helium coverage, extension distribution, improved authoring & security
2024.1 in Numbers
| Domain | #Stories | Story Points |
| Domain | #Stories | Story Points |
| 3DEXPERIENCE/TVC/Helium | 6 | 17 |
| Admin | 3 | 5 |
| Author | 21 | 23 |
| Security | 1 | 5 |
| Distribution & Cloud | 4 | 4 |
| Performance | 1 | 1 |
| Consumer | 5 | 7 |
Distribution & Cloud
Same web extension for consumers and authors to simplify installation and usage
Secure rich text editing and rendering
Advanced controls for supported target element innerText evaluation
Improved supported elements highlighting
Added hover highlighting to targets and custom contexts to indicate what is selected/used
Guides, chapters and instruction lists made more compact
Cloning fixes and improve change warnings
More apps for 3DDashboard Support Maturity Overview
Better and more support for common TVC/Helium
Theme / Focus
3DEXPERIENCE coverage, security & authoring
2023.5 in Numbers
| Domain | #Stories | Story Points |
| Domain | #Stories | Story Points |
| 3DEXPERIENCE | 13 | 27 |
| Admin | 9 | 19 |
| Author | 7 | 16 |
| Security | 1 | 8 |
| Distribution & Cloud | 4 | 7 |
| Performance | 1 | 4 |
| Consumer | 3 | 3 |
Distribution & Cloud
Horizontal scaling
Group guides using Chapters Light My Way - Product Documentation | Chapters
Clone individual Guides and Instructions Light My Way - Product Documentation | Cloning Guides
Chapter view Light My Way - Product Documentation | Chapters
More advanced (xpath based) target formulas Light My Way - Product Documentation | XPATH based target formulas
History tracking Light My Way - Product Documentation | History
Evaluation of toggled guides only (without available now) Light My Way - Product Documentation | Settings
More apps for 3DDashboard Support Maturity Overview
Theme / Focus
Working towards maturity level where the product could be sold / bought and used “off the shelf“ with no or very limited interaction with R&D.
There has been an extra effort in 3DEXPERIENCE coverage, quality and usability features (for both authors and consumers), but also key features for new customers.
2023.4 in Numbers
| Domain | #Stories | Story Points |
| Domain | #Stories | Story Points |
| Author | 16 | 21 |
| Admin | 12 | 19 |
| Consumer | 10 | 21 |
| Distribution & Cloud | 8 | 13 |
| 3DEXPERIENCE | 3 | 12 |
| Performance | 1 | 1 |
Distribution & Cloud
Improved security & scalability
Read only repository to avoid accidental modification to production (see Read only)
Interactive callouts (see Interactivity)
App state highlighting (see App states)
Control the order guides are listed for consumers (see Ordering Guides)
Quality improvements
Allow to resize panel (see Resize)
Manual data refresh (see Refresh)
Guide sorting as defined by author (see Sort Guides)
Tags navigation view (see Tags View)
Quality improvements
Clone, import and other quality improvements
All evaluation avoided when extension is disabled
Widget support
Process steps
Documented maturity state for the different domains / apps Support Maturity Overview
Quality improvements
Theme / Focus
Working towards maturity level where the product could be sold / bought and used with no or very limited interaction with R&D
2023.3 in Numbers
| Domain | #Stories | Story Points |
| Domain | #Stories | Story Points |
| Distribution & Cloud | 10 | 21 |
| Author | 8 | 16 |
| Consumer | 8 | 10 |
| Admin | 3 | 6 |
| Performance | 2 | 6 |
| 3DEXPERIENCE | 3 | 5 |
| Security | 1 | 3 |
| Technical | 1 | 1 |
Distribution & Cloud
Improved scalability
Tooltip callout type https://technia.jira.com/wiki/spaces/TSD/pages/4031971409/Light+My+Way+-+Product+Documentation#Instruction-Type
Position control (offsets) https://technia.jira.com/wiki/spaces/TSD/pages/4031971409/Light+My+Way+-+Product+Documentation#Callout-positioning-(offset)
Quality improvements
Styling more compact
Default enabled guides persistent dismissal
Quality improvement
Better tools to carry over built-in configuration to support 3DEXPERIENCE
Import fixes
Less evaluation while loading (debounce increased)
Avoid evaluation when scrolling or toggling info
Widget support
Documented maturity state for the different domains / apps
Quality improvements
All endpoints authenticated
Public self study training & exercises for authors https://technia.jira.com/wiki/spaces/TSD/pages/4007821814
Theme / Focus
This release have had a growth & technical theme with a focus on environment stability, performance and security. Most of the work is not visible to end users but an increased performance could be noticed.
Web extension v3
With the new version comes several technical benefits: A reduced network footprint, increased performance and the removal of web sockets. Web extension background scripts is replaced by service workers and better prepared for other deployment methods. The client works better with offline data making it less dependent on network and users could continue work when the service is unavailable for maintenance etc.
With the registry distribution making it possible to include an access token for increased security of guide data.
2023.2 in Numbers
| Domain | #Stories |
| Domain | #Stories |
| Distribution & Cloud | 50 |
| Performance | 11 |
| Consumer | 3 |
| Security | 2 |
| Author | 1 |
Distribution & Cloud
Web extension manifest v3
Removal of v2 background scripts (replaced by web workers)
Web sockets removed
Better offline experience (consumers not affected by server maintenance but can work fully on offline/cached data)
Server reliability & responsiveness by improved caching & optimized DB selects
Smaller network footprint (client get server data once per session)
Quicker admin UI data navigation
Author & consumer more efficient evaluation and rendering
Bug fixes & improved colour sorting https://technia.jira.com/wiki/spaces/TSD/pages/4031971409/DRAF+2023.2+Light+My+Way+-+Product+Documentation#Sort-Guides
Improve security with guide data access validation by access token (secret) distributed with the client install https://technia.jira.com/wiki/spaces/TSD/pages/4031971409/DRAF+2023.2+Light+My+Way+-+Product+Documentation#Access-Token-(Authentication)
Control guide default toggle state for consumer end users
Theme / Focus
This release have had a growth & technical theme with a focus on environment stability and control. Most of the work is not visible to users. A large part of the efforts was spent porting the code to the new web extension version V3 (as V2 is EOL shortly) and will be included in a separate hotfix 2023.1.1
2023.1 in Numbers
| Domain | Story Points | #Stories |
| Domain | Story Points | #Stories |
| Platforms | 15 | 3 |
| Consumer | 2 | 1 |
Rout Management
Document Management
Sort guides by colour
Improved stability & reliability of cloud environment
Monitoring, logging & predictability
Theme / Focus
Platform support (mainly 3ddashboard).
2022.4 in Numbers
| Domain | Story Points | #Stories |
| Domain | Story Points | #Stories |
| Platforms | 34 | 14 |
| Author | 14 | 9 |
| Admin & distribution | 14 | 5 |
| Consumer | 2 | 1 |
| Technical | 1 | 1 |
Search & Search Result improvements
Common- Properties modals & side panels
Change Action
Route Management
Model Definition
File upload dialog
Improved form coverage (edit data forms)
Slim tabs
New callout types
Global info
On over info
Alot of added support for different platforms. Mainly focused on 3DDashboard.
3DDashboard - drag-able items has an app state, many toolbar actions and menus supported, as well as form fields.
3DSpace - dynamic, name and owner fields in context pages can now have dynamic callouts.
Performance improvements
3DSpace/3DDashboard - Search results
Edit icon on callouts in author extension, for faster context editing
Tooltip on target element text
Search bar, for filtering out conditions
2022.2 in numbers
Domain | Story Points | Count |
Platforms | 36 | 18 | |
Technical | 5 | 4 | |
Performance | 4 | 2 | |
Distribution & Cloud | 21 | 13 | |
| Consumer | 10 | 10 |
Author tot | 32 | 18 | |
Admin tot | 13 | 11 |
More supported (green) target elements and refinement of existing
Full change process demo recorded step-by-step, one instruction at a time, using supported and built in configurations only.
Default enabled and improvement to conditions / app states
More supported (green) target elements
iframe evaluation fix
Basic configurations in place making it possible to demo and test drive
Tag filtering improved and UI refined
Performance improvements
Reset sequences by toggling guides
Documentation links from extension
Bug fixes
Sequencing, scrolling etc
Makes it easy to understand why a callout is not visible
Quickly identify instructions for the current view
Input conditions enhancements
Full remake removing the risk of version dependent data
More inputs supported - Radio, buttons, multi select inputs etc.
Input conditions available for conditional element
Opener conditions for popup windows
Useful for small popups that do not carry much state itself, now the opener window state could be included
Create / edit instruction form restructured to be more user friendly and efficient
More color options available for guides and callouts.
Possibility to set background color on individual callouts.
Description field is now optional.
Possibility to phase out conditions and target elements (existing dependent instructions will still work but you cant record new, this way you can improve and create new versions)
Restructure in a more logical way (e.g ignores found under targets instead of conditions)
Sorting of configs alphanumeric
The action toolbar when scrolling to the bottom
Server url mapping removed / automated
Export / import stability improvements
Official support for specific targets (tabs, categories, toolbars and many more target types are maintained as part of the product, not as customer owned configurations)
Overall extended support scope (more targets, app states etc built into the product, customer and R&D driven)
Quality ensured with increased test automation coverage for multiple versions
APRISO support
First baseline configurations built into the product (making it possible to demo & sell)
Admin UI
Build guides by supported targets that you can rely work well over time (less dependency to application html and maintained as part of the product)
Highlight / spotlight all supported elements will make it easier to spot (by preference/persistent)
Indication improved (what was previously green is demoted to yellow, and style improved)
Extended possibilities building sequences
Target Conditions available for Condition Elements
Direct dependencies between instructions (e.g. must be displayed after)
Possible to define in what app state (condition) content an instruction belongs (useful in case there are multiple similar targets, e.g. pointing out the content of a specific widget that is present in multiple widgets)
Sorted guides alphabetically
Search results with description match highlighting
Guide description displayed in accordion (to better support rich descriptions and make it easier to understand how to use it)
Guide colors presented directly in list (makes it easier to spot the guide matching a callout)
Guide toggle state is a global preference (not by URL, could be a problem when login is in separate domain)
Quick disable of the full extension (possible in the top menu where you enter the service URL)
Bug fixes
Focus remake to avoid data dependency (better support additions over time)
Cloud Server
Multi tenant cloud hosting data service included with the subscription
Built-in configurations as supported product (owned and maintained by TECHNIA, improvements overtime, not copied and branched off to customer data)
Expanded built-in configurations to cover more areas (based on customer engagements)
Clone, override and extend
Import / export data and configurations (Admin UI)
Focus priority order when multiple focus applies
Edit conditions in json view
Easy toggle extension on / off (quick disable)
Big performance improvements
Clear data directly after Target switch
Fixed: Multi Author broken for one browser - multi window
Fixed: Missing innerText in xpaths
Fixed: Callouts/Infos get stripped off if container width is too small
Fixed: URL in Rich Text does not work if it does not start with http(s)
Author key input password
Evaluate UI Conditions only while selecting the target
Fixed: License Key not found after Target Renaming
Authorize author on mutations
Restrict Access to LMW Server
Track the current Consumer/Author count
Improve the log detail if DB Connection cannot be established
Fixed: Frequent Server Disconnection
Admin UI
Add Login
Change innerText to default true
Illustrate icons for conditions and ignorelist
Add loader component
Improve visibility of notifications
Make Author keys editable from the AdminUI
Move license.json into DB
Create new Target
Create new Target based on existing Target (Clone)
Delete Targets
Rename Targets
Manage DNS config mappings
Import and export of configurations
Enable Caching
Add success and failure notifications in admin ui
Add expand/collapse all commands
Add info texts/description for fields
Auto-completion for fields
Fixed: Undefined booleans in Admin UI should default false
Both Extensions
Toggle LMW Panel state should be stored in local storage
Allow locked Conditions to be disabled
Add Drag and Drop support for Instructions
UI Improvements
Fixed: Focus Conditions do not work if multiple matches were found
No Changes
The full Configuration is now stored inside a Database
The Export Script now supports exporting from different versions
Added caching mechanism for Requests
Configurations can now be created and managed using the new Admin UI
Removed Dynamic and Custom Conditions
Fixed: A Target/Platform Combination can be created multiple times
UI conditions can be hidden from the UI
UI conditions can be enabled by default
Added conditions for 3DDashboard
Color HTML elements during selection
Allow multiple authors to create/edit/delete groups and instructions
Added logging functionality
The callout anchor position will be automatically adjusted to best fit
If the recordings are changed by other authors, there will be a reload hint displayed
If a new tag is created, it will be activated automatically
Improved UX
Provide a Rich Text Editor for instruction and group descriptions
Add a search to easily find groups, instructions or tags
Added logging functionality
The Info Callout is now animated for better identification
Added logging functionality
Switched to a GraphQL backend
Recordings are now stored inside a Database
Added a DNS Server to allow an easy distribution of the web extension
Update nodejs to 14.15 LTS
Support for 3DX 2014X
Updated configuration schema files
Add configuration option to ignore anchors for specific elements
Improved callout layout control - positioning of the callout
More callout colors are available
Add Context Menu to enable/disable Light My Way UI
Callouts will be rendered behind the Light My Way UI
Hide Callouts while in select mode
Reposition on scroll
Callout Display preferences
Make non-hovered Callouts transparent
Hide Group Label in Callouts
Truncate non-hovered Callout description
Emphasize available instructions
Server and web extension version compatibility check
Built in configs for 3DSPACE & TVC allowing authors to guide users through complex processes (e.g. change process) fully recorded by point and click (without technical configuration)
More conditions
More targets
More target conditions
JSON Schema to support system admins
Record future proof guides with the stabilized data and efficient configuration format
Author validation and password control
Large performance improvements allowing state driven guides with large data
Consumer Available now indication directly on panel tab
First official release - instead of listing the full product the release notes defined what known issues was not yet covered.
Known limitations / planned
Performance - does not scale well with large number of instructions. (Planned for 2020.5)
Scrolling some places causes misplaced instruction callouts (Planned for 2020.5)
Search/filter limited to group (Planned for 2020.5)
Tag limited to group (Planned for 2020.5)
Needs help from admin to configure built in conditions to support some/many (50%?) use cases (Planned for 2020.5)
Data format will change making content data obsolete (Planned for 2020.5)
No import export tool (Planned for 2021.1-2021.2)
Change is published immediately without test before publish (Planned for 2021.1-2021.2)
Verbose data format (Planned for 2020.5)
Verbose configuration format (Planned for 2020.5)
Not yet all configurability to fully support author (Planned for 2020.5)
No remote admin UI (Planned for 2021.1-2021.2)
On prem, not cloud yet (Planned for 2021.1-2021.2)
No authentication (Planned for 2021.1-2021.2)
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